Become a Member
Membership in the PROBUS Club of Prince Edward County
Thank you for your interest in the PROBUS Club of Prince Edward County.PROBUS is a social club for retired or semi-retired PROfessional or BUSiness people, hence the amalgam PROBUS. All PROBUS Clubs are autonomous and establish their own policies and procedures. In this Club only members are involved in the activity groups operated by the club.Read more about the PROBUS Club of Prince Edward County on Facebook at County-371325666717993/?modal= admin_todo_tour or on the website. As of December 31, 2023 there are 200 members in the Club. If you're interested in joining you will need to email and request the membership application form and required waiver. If you meet the membership qualifications and you're interested in joining you will need to complete and submit both forms and include the correct amount of pro-rated dues per the chart on the application form. When an application is received it is then considered by the Management Committee at their next monthly meeting.The PROBUS Club of Prince Edward County holds monthly meetings using the hybrid method of both in person and by Zoom. The club meets at 10am on the second Thursday of the month from September to June with social time from 9:30am to 10am and fabulous speakers making a presentation. Activity Groups, events and excursions are active year round. Once someone has been accepted for membership they are then able to participate in the Activity Groups and events. Only members of PROBUS participate in PROBUS activities and events.Full members receive the information to participate in meetings and lots of other details on the activity groups. These are the groups that are currently on the list: Apps & Bevvies (socializing with appetizers & beverages at homes of members); Two Book Groups; Bridge Group; Cycling; Current Affairs Group; Golf Group; Hiking; Kayaking; Pub Night; Skiing Cross Country; Snowshoeing; Travel Talk Group; Walking Group; Events Group; Knitting Group; Morning Coffee Group; and a fitness walking group. More groups are being added all the time.